Contributing a help topic
The help topics for the Rebble support center are all contributed by volunteers - This could include you!
To get started, visit the Github repo and look at the existing support topics, these are in the folder _topic.
To make a new topic, all you need to do is create a new markdown (.md) file in the _topic folder. Copy & Paste an existing one to get started.
If you get stuck, ask for help on Discord.
Topic Metadata
You’ll notice at the top of the markdown file are some attributes. These are used by Jekyll when the site is built.
For example:
layout: post
title: "Contributing"
prompt: "Contributing to a help topic"
keywords: "help contribute write new topic contributor"
date: 2021-02-01 07:14:42
author: "Will0"
hideFirstStepNumber: true
osSpecific: false
This is the layout of the page. Currently this must always be ‘post’
This is the page title for the topic (as in what shows up when you bookmark the page). It should be short.
This is the prompt that appears in the search results, it might be the same as the title.
These are any other keywords that, when a user searches for them, should cause this support topic to appear in the search results.
This is the date you first write the topic. Use the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
The name of the author. That’s you!
An optional field that will cause the first step to not have a number against it. Useful for when you want to write an overview as the first step.
This optional field says whether the step is specific to a phone OS. See below for an explanation on how to write OS specific topics
Once you have filled out the header, anything underneath the ‘—’ is the content of the support topic.
Formatting your support topic content
The support topics are written in markdown.
If you’re new to markdown, it’s useful to have this cheat sheet open as you work.
Including images
If you want to include images in your topic, you should put the image files in the ‘images’ folder, inside a subfolder you make for the support topic.
I.e. If you’re writing about ‘Pebble 2 hardware’, make a folder /images/p2hardware/, and put the image in there.
You can then include your image in the topic with the syntax:

Customising images
There are two types of special images you can use by altering the alt-text:

will make the image 50x50, useful for icons

will stop the image having the 6px black border around it
Desktop only
If you have content you don’t want to show on mobile (for example, a QR code), you can encapsulate it in <notmobile> </notmobile>
QR Codes
If you want to display a QR code to a URL, you can do so with the QR tag:
<qr url="" />
Make sure you include the self-closing /
in the tag.
You should probably combine qr tags with the notmobile tag too.
The Rebble help center uses Jekyll to process markdown into HTML. Then it automatically turns the documents into step-by-step tutorials.
The steps are determined by the h1 headers, in markdown as #header
. Use these to split up your steps.
For example:
# Step one
This is the first step. It will have '1. ' prepended next to it's title.
You can turn this off for the first step (see 'hideFirstStepNumber')
# Step two
This is the second step. The user will have to press 'next' once to get here.
It will always have '2. ' prepended to the title
OS Specific help
Sometimes you might want to have a seperate guide for iOS and android. To do this, you need to create 3 markdown files instead of 1:
This will show up in the search results, and display the OS selection dialogue
This is the android specific instructions. It must match the name of the previous file, with -android appended.
This is the iOS specific instructions. It must match the name of the previous file, with -ios appended.
Inside the files you also need to modify the page attributes.
The first page, which is the selection dialogue must have
osSpecific: true
os: choose
This will cause it to be the selection dialogue. The content of this topic entry will never be shown to the user
The -android file must have:
osSpecific: true
os: android
and the -ios file must have:
osSpecific: true
os: ios
Now the user will get an OS prompt when the click the topic, and be taken to the correct guide.
Building the site
If you’ve written a topic and want to build the site locally, you first need to install Jekyll.
Then install the site dependencies with bundle install
Then you can build the site with jekyll build
The site will be built into _site.
Opening a PR
If you want to contribute firstly - Thank you! It’s the community effort that keeps Rebble alive. Simply fork the repo and open a pull request, and we’ll get your support topic merged asap.